Source : Pourquoi docteur ? Comprendre pour agir
A partner who snores in the marital bed is a source of arguments for 44% of French people and even conflicts sometimes leading to a breakup for 55% of them.
According to a new Ifop survey for, 44% of French people have already argued with their spouse because of the snoring of one or the other of the partners. Other reasons for disagreements in love are: bedtimes and lights out, whether or not to eat in bed and whether or not to agree to share the marital diaper with a baby or a pet.
The bed is thus a source of conflict for 55% of couples, sometimes even leading to a breakup. People in couples (26%) are also less satisfied with their sleep than single people (34%), but the French still prefer to sleep together (63%) rather than alone.
Women more affected by sleep disorders
In addition, “this survey clearly shows a steady deterioration in the quality of sleep of our compatriots for 25 years, even more so since the start of the health crisis”, analyze the pollsters. 67% of French people thus declare having had sleep disorders during the 8 days preceding the study. Half of the people questioned (50%) declare having suffered from sleep disorders in April 2021 compared to 44% in April 2020 and 46% in November 2020. These disorders affect women more strongly (58%) and modest socio-professional categories (54%).
Last lesson: 69% of people consulting their phone in bed every day or almost currently suffer from sleep problems, compared to 56% of those who never consult it.
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